Barrio Independent Productions (B.I.P.) will present The 2024 Annual Frenzy Fest at El Barrio’s ArtSpace PS109, Manhattan, NY and ONLINE. The festival will run in the month of May, 2024. The central theme of all plays and short-films submitted to the Frenzy Fest should cover the human mind and frenzy episodes. (Frenzy-Episodes / a kind of mental agitation, violent excitement, emotional breakdown, delirium and/or rage). Each play and short-film may present social issues as: drug-additions, rape, domestic-violence, immigration-issues, LGBTT-relationship, catastrophic illness. suicide, anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD-disorder, bipolarity, and social problems such as poverty or war, that lead the human being to suffer these Frenzy-episodes, giving us a wide audience since all people, or directly or indirectly, haves had to face some of these situations. The genres it’s open (drama, comedy, mystery thriller etc.)
- Theatrical one act plays (English or Spanish), with a duration between 35 to 40 minutes.
- Filmmaker – a Short-Film with a duration between 10 to 15 minutes
The participation is open to artists of every nationality, working individually or in a group.
1) Fill out this application and send it by email to: info@bip-nyc.com with the required attachments.
2) Select, in the application, the category or categories you wish to enter.
3) Arrange online payment of entry fee: The Frenzy Fest entry fee is $35.00 for each application. Writers who reside in countries other than the United States are welcome to enter the contest; however, entry fees must be paid in U.S. dollars.
December 30th, 2023
Any questions or to volunteer contact us at info@bip-nyc.com