Official Selection
(In Alphabetical Order)

I'm a rican
Sully Díaz
Sully Díaz is an actress and stand-up comedienne. Born in New York from Puertorrican parents. For most Latinos she is known for her title role in the tele-novela “Coralito”, transmitted by Telemundo’s network, international. As an international actress, her film credits include Princes Protection Program (Disney Channel), La Mala (HBO Latino), Por Amor en el Caserío (HBO Latino), Zooman (Showtime), Yellow (all movie theatres); La Gran Fiesta, La Gringa, Amores que Matan, El Color de la Guayaba and Nene Lindo. On TV she has appeared in Ellen and her Friends (ABC), Law and Order (NBC), Culture Clash (FOX TV), Decisiones (Telemundo International). Her starring roles in tele-novelas include Enamorada, La Millonaria (Venevisión TV), Claudia Morán (Argentina’s Channel 11) and many more. In New York’s Theatre, we witnessed her incredible creation of the Cuban singer, Victoria Guadalupe Yoli, in the musical La Lupe, directed by Luis Caballero, obtaining smashing reviews from all mayor papers in New York as well as Sully receiving the ACE Award and HAMAS Award for best actress. As a stand-up, she was part of The Hot and Spicy Mamitas of Comedy show and CD in Los Angeles, and USA. Also, performances at The Comedy Store, Laugh Factory, The Improv (LA), Harras Hotel (Las Vegas), Caroline’s (NYC), Latino Festival for Laughs (Showtime) and just finished a season at the Fairmont San Juan Hotel with her stand-up I’m A Rican
I’m A Rican is a stand-up comedy show based on Sully’s life and work experiences and how her Identity as a Latina, has been affected by two cultures running parallel in her life. Puertorrican from the Island of Enchantment and and Nuyorican from the heart on New York City. Her English, her Spanglish, her family, her bi-polar diagnosis, her many marriges, are only a few of the topics Sully shares on stage.
Sunday, November 13th @ 5pm / Friday, November 18th @ 7pm

José Adolfo Pichardo
Escritor publicado y nacido en República Dominicana. Licenciado en Comunicación Social, con Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Planificación Educativa por la Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago (UTESA).
Raul Rivera
Puertorriqueño. Creador de Coquí Teather, es director y actor de teatro con una amplia trayectoria en cual ha sido galardonado con los premios ACE, ATI, HOLA,S in Limites, LATA y TALIA entre otros. Actualmente se desempeña como profesor de teatro en la academia Karen Espinal y también es maquillista profesional de teatro y audiovisuales
Digna Carvajal
Maga Cedeño
Roberto Larancuent
Oscar Zamora
Juan Manuel Sanabria
Yvette Quintero
Luis Acevedo
Agar García
¿Cuántos daños puede tener la violencia doméstica? ¿Hasta dónde puede llegar?
Friday, November 11th @ 7:45pm / Satuday, November 12 @ 7pm

(Actor / Dramaturgo / Director)
Trained at Susan Batson Studio and at Cristina Rota Drama School (Madrid). His main credits include Chaplin-Behind the Character (directed by Susan Batson), La Extinción de los Dinosaurios (Repertorio Español), The Sumatran Dancer (Hudson Guild), Buscando a Hilary, La Katarsis del Tomatazo, El Cóndor en Nueva York (Film) and Sin Tetas No Hay Paraíso (TV).
Sandra Gumuzzio
(Actriz / Dramaturga / Directora)
Actriz madrileña, estudió con Susan Batson (NYC), “Replika Teatro”, y está licenciada en Audiovisuales (UCM). Ha actuado en numerosas producciones teatrales y audiovisuales. Desde 2019 pertenece a la compañía Repertorio Español. Sus últimos proyectos incluyen “La Dama Boba” dirigida por Leyma López y el monólogo “Los niños perdidos”, dirigido por Germán Jaramillo.
Dos extraños quedan atrapados en el metro de Nueva York en hora punta. El conflicto de egos que estalla, les llevará a descubrir quienes son realmente.
Friday, November 18th @ 8pm / Saturday, November 19th @ 7pm

Whiskey River
JC Augustín
(Dramaturg / Director)
JC Augustin is a playwright,poet and performer living in Washington Heights. His recent work, 40-Hour Poems, was part of the 2018 LUNGS festival. His play, In Crocodile’s Lair, had its first reading in TNC’s New Blood series as well as a reading at Shakespeare Forum. His play Whiskey River was read at Village Playwrights. He is a proud member of Shakespeare Forum, Tierney Workshop, and Gotham Rock Choir.
Jay W. Walker
Marie Pohl
T. Scott Lilly
Whiskey River is an exploration of delusion, depression, addiction and redemption set in inner-city alcoholic doldrums.
Satuday, November 12 @ 8pm / Sunday, November 13th @ 4pm

Mayah Lourdes Burke
(Dramaturg / Director)
Mayah “My” Lourdes Burke (she/her) is a director, playwright, actor, vocalist, poet, and photographer from NYC. She graduated with her Bachelor’s Degree in Dramatic Arts in 2021 from the CUNY College of Staten Island. Her directing credits include Good Grief: A Best Friend Play (2022, Ghostlight Players Productions) by Ngozi Anyanwu, and We are Proud to Present… (2021, Staten Island Shakespeare Co) by Jackie Sibblies Drury. In May 2022 Mayah received a Staten Island Youth Award for community contribution to Arts & Culture. She is also a Touring Company Member and Teaching Artist with IlluminArt Productions.
Giesala Jacques
Giesala Jacques (PARTNER) is an actor from Brooklyn, NY, and has recently graduated from the College of Staten Island majoring in dramatic arts. She has played Sarah/Dutchess in Funnyhouse of a Negro by Adrienne Kennedy, Actor 6 in “We Are Proud to Present” by Jackie Sibblies Drury, and Nkechi in “Good Grief: A Best Friend Play” by Ngozi Anyanwu.
Christopher León Celaya
Christopher León Celaya (NATURE) is a Chicano actor based in Brooklyn, New York. Christopher has a BFA in Film and Cinema Studies with a minor in Dramatic Arts. Christopher portrayed Don Carlos in Trouble at Home and JD/Eros in Good Grief: A Best Friend Play.
Kyla Besett
Kyla Besett is an actress from Staten Island, NY. She is currently studying Theatre and Psychology at the College of Staten Island. She portrayed Everybody in Everybody by Branden Jacob-Jenkins and Queen Victoria/Mother in Funnyhouse of a Negro by Adrienne Kennedy.
Like the birth and death of the Earth, a relationship has a cyclical nature. Why do people drift apart? What convinces a person to stay? When do you know it is time to give up? In 4SZNS, we follow two characters, Nature and their partner, through a year-long journey in four parts. With the help of the Sunflower as our guide, the audience will feel what it is like to be one with Nature, and understand the complexities of being a living breathing thing expected to conform to the intricacies of society.
Saturday, November 19th @ 8pm / Sunday, November 20th @ 4pm


Ms. Caicedo is a director, producer and writer graduate of SUNY College, CEO, founder of Caicedo Productions Corp and two festivals: One Festival (Monologues contest) and IPRHFF (International Puerto Rican Heritage Film Festival)
Ms. Caicedo has produce and/or direct such projects and plays as Black Latina the play, They Call Me LA LUPE (Starring Lauren Velez of “Dexter”), SUNSHINE by Lawrence Dukore, and Faded by Robert Dominguez, among others.
Caicedo has served as Theater Director for Project Reach Youth, and The Loisaida Players at Loisaida Inc., where she was a safe-sex educator and Managing Theater Director for Teatro LATEA at the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center.
Ms. Caicedo was filmmaker selected official for the 2008 SOL Dance Film Festival, 2008 Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration at Hostos Community College and LaGuardia Community College featured Ms. Caicedo short films “Little Courage”, honored in 2007 by the National Puerto Rican Day Parade Inc. for Puerto Rican Heritage Month. She has served as a guest panelist for such organizations as HBO, Latinos for Positive Images, Urban Magazine, Boys Club of New York, Association of Hispanic Arts (AHA) and Teatro Stage Fest 07 (Latinas at the Helm).

Jaime Estades
Jaime Antonio Estades was a Revson Fellow at Columbia University and received his Juris Doctor from the City University of New York School of Law, and his Master’s in Social Work – from the Hunter College Silberman Graduate School of Social Work.
Jaime continues to inspire the next generation of community activists, as an Adjunct Professor teaching Social Welfare Policy at Rutgers University Graduate School of Social Work and Social Policy, Advocacy, and Law and Social Work at both NYU and Columbia Graduate Schools of Social Work.
Jaime has committed his life to advocacy, education, health and leadership training. For the past 35 years, he has been working on issues relating to education, immigration, housing, voting rights and registration and family entitlement issues. Estades is the Executive Producer of the documentary “Let My People Vote,” which chronicles the 2016 Presidential election in Orlando, Florida. In 1996, Jaime founded the Latino Leadership Institute, Inc. (LLI) where he still presides as Executive Director. In October 2015, the Latino Leadership Institute was selected by the White House as one of the Bright Spots of Excellence in Education in the Hispanic Community in the United States.

Manolo Garcia Oliva
Manolo García Oliva was born in La Habana, Cuba on September 16, 1938 and emigrated to the United States in 1961. He has worked as a columnist for El Tiempo, Canales Magazine, ABC de las Américas, Latin American Weekly Edition; and currently for Esmeralda, and Impacto Latin News.
From early 1970s to late 1990s he was Community Affairs Director and Public Relations Director at WNJU47 Telemundo and then Director of Community Events at WXTV41 Univisión. Mr. García Oliva is currently the Community Liaison for Majority Members of the New York State Senate. The Honorable Jose E. Serrano paid tribute to Mr. Garcia-Oliva during the 102nd U. S. Congress Session for his community service. Other awards and citations given to Mr. Garcia-Oliva for his community service and his work in the Arts include: a Silver Medal of Arts, Sciences and Letters of France; citations by former Governor Mario M. Cuomo and proclamations presented by the Municipal Council of the City of Newark and by the New Jersey State Congress. He was also honored at the Cuban Day Parade and Hispanic Day Parade Quincentennial Celebration. Thalia Spanish Theatre Board of Director honored Mr. Garcia-Oliva for his efforts in establishing legitimate Spanish theater in the New York metropolitan area. In September 2014 he was presented with the keys of Repertorio Español Theater. King Felipe VI of Spain, awarded Mr. García Oliva the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Isabel la Católica, at El Palacio Real de Madrid, July 17th 2014. In 1983 Mr. Garcia-Oliva was elected President of the Asociación de Cronístas de Espectáculos de Nueva York, ACE, a position he held until May 1997.
He is currently President of HOLA, the Hispanic Organization of Latin Actors, President Emeritus of ACE; Treasurer of the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences Foundation NATAS. He also serves on the boards of Repertorio Español, Teatro Círculo, Thalia Spanish Theatre and the Mexican Cultural Institute.